6 Aralık 2021 Pazartesi



In today's article, I would like to touch on a subject that modern human beings somehow constantly see, hear, and witness around, but cannot fully position on the stage of history. When we look at today's modern archeology, we see the stone ages as Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. When we look at Wikipedia to understand these 3 epochs that have entered modern archeology, we see the following information;

The Paleolithic or Palaeolithic or Palæolithic (/ˌpeɪl-, ˌpælioʊˈlɪθɪk/), also called the Old Stone Age (from Greek palaios - old, lithos - stone), is a period in prehistory distinguished by the original development of stone tools that covers c. 99% of the period of human technological prehistory. It extends from the earliest known use of stone tools by hominins c. 3.3 million years ago, to the end of the Pleistocene c. 11,650 cal BP. At the beginning of the Paleolithic, hominins were found primarily in eastern Africa, east of the Great Rift Valley. Most known hominin fossils dating earlier than one million years before present are found in this area, particularly in Kenya, Tanzania, and Ethiopia.

By c. 2,000,000 – c. 1,500,000 BP, groups of hominins began leaving Africa and settling southern Europe and Asia. Southern Caucasus was occupied by c. 1,700,000 BP, and northern China was reached by c. 1,660,000 BP. By the end of the Lower Paleolithic, members of the hominin family were living in what is now China, western Indonesia, and, in Europe, around the Mediterranean and as far north as England, France, southern Germany, and Bulgaria. Their further northward expansion may have been limited by the lack of control of fire: studies of cave settlements in Europe indicate no regular use of fire prior to c. 400,000 – c. 300,000 BP. 

The Mesolithic (Greek: μέσος, mesos "middle"; λίθος, lithos "stone") is the Old World archaeological period between the Upper Paleolithic and the Neolithic. The term Epipaleolithic is often used synonymously, especially for outside northern Europe, and for the corresponding period in the Levant and Caucasus. The Mesolithic has different time spans in different parts of Eurasia. It refers to the final period of hunter-gatherer cultures in Europe and Western Asia, between the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and the Neolithic Revolution. In Europe it spans roughly 15,000 to 5,000 BP; in Southwest Asia (the Epipalaeolithic Near East) roughly 20,000 to 8,000 BP. The term is less used of areas further east, and not at all beyond Eurasia and North Africa.

The Neolithic period is the final division of the Stone Age, with a wide-ranging set of developments that appear to have arisen independently in several parts of the world. It is first seen about 12,000 years ago when the first developments of farming appeared in the Epipalaeolithic Near East, and later in other parts of the world. The Neolithic lasted (in that part of the world) until the transitional period of the Chalcolithic from about 6,500 years ago (4500 BCE), marked by the development of metallurgy, leading up to the Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Of course, more information about these ages can be added, but since the subject of today's article is not these ages, I just wanted to pass it on as general information.

Our topic today; The MEGALITHIC Age, in other words, the GIANT STONE Age, which had been lived long before these 3 epochs, with unclear date ranges and not known when it started, which have ruins all over the world, and whose witnesses we do not know exactly.

A megalith is a large stone used to create a structure or monument. These structures may consist of one or several megaliths. The adjective megalithic means made of such stones. The stones do not stand together with mortar, but by interlocking with each other. The word is derived from the Greek words μέγας megas (big) and λίθος lithos (stone).

Megaliths can be divided into two main groups: Stones that stand without support; When they are alone, they are called menhir and  Cromlech  if they are lined up in a line or circle.

The rooms, which are made of stones carrying a parallel arrangement, are called dolmens, these are burial chambers. If these burial chambers are covered with soil, the resulting mounds are called tumulus or mound.

Today, it is possible to see the most famous examples of megalithic structures e.g. StoneHenge in England, Karnak region in France, Callanish stones in Scotland, giant human statues in Easter Island, Baalbek region in Lebanon,..etc. In fact, when we look at Göbeklitepe, it is possible to put the T-shaped giant columns into this classification. When we look at these megaliths, it is obvious that the structures are huge, but we do not see a very precise processing method. The stones are more roughly carved. However, when we look at the dimensions, it is not possible to find a logical explanation for what kind of tool the people of that period could have carved them with. One of my most recent discoveries, the Yangshan Quarry in China, is a striking example. The stones are processed in enormous sizes and their dimensions seem much higher than the ability of a normal person to process and transport the processed stone from one place to another.  

It is possible to increase these visuals worldwide. Although the structures in Stonehenge, Callanish and Karnak region are dated back to 5000 ~ 3500 BC, no definite evidence has been obtained about them. There is no dating of the other structures or any information provided by modern archeology about who built them and how.

We do not see a sophisticated architecture in most of these megalithic structures that I have shared, but there are such structures that it is really difficult to understand how they were processed at that time and to describe their transition to each other with tremendous engineering. I think the first example to be given to these is the megalith structures in Peru.

It is possible to find much more of these images in Peru region.

The image below is also from the Machu Picchu region in Peru. The most striking issue in this image is the perfect transition of the giant carved stones at the bottom to each other, and the way the stones are both carved and placed in the upper layer becomes primitive. It is certain that the upper layer was made by the Incas, but with respect to the lower layer it is a mystery who built it and how.

It is possible to see the traces of two successive civilizations in the Hattusa region of Turkey.

As can be seen in the image below, we can see structures that have transitioned to each other in almost perfect geometric dimensions.

In this other image, we can see that the stone structures to the left of the Lion's gate are much larger and more finely crafted and pass into each other, and the stone structures to the right of the door are much smaller and rougher and placed on top of each other.

In the other images below, we can easily see traces of cutting and drilling tools and drilled holes on granite blocks in the same region.

One of the most beautiful examples to be given to Megalith structures, which I have not mentioned in this article yet, but of course, is the Egyptian region. Although all the structures found in modern archeology belong to the Pharaonic dynasty, I think most of the structures there date to much earlier periods and civilizations. In that region, we can see a lot of the lost high technology of the ancient period on the buildings.

Apart from this, the Bosnian Pyramids in Bosnia, which Samir Osmanagich has been researching for years, but have not yet been accepted by classical archeology, are also noteworthy.

I will not continue without mentioning the Gornaya Shoria region, which I discovered recently and which impressed me a lot. These structures, located in the mountainous area of ​​the South Siberian region of Russia, are really interesting. In terms of size, we can say that it is the largest megalithic structures that have ever been seen in the world. We can say that Russian geologist Georgy Sidorov made the first serious research on these structures. According to his own account, he was stunned when he first went to the region. The trees next to the giant stone blocks stand like moss. As you will see in the images I will share below, these structures do not look natural at all. Giant stone blocks placed on top of each other are making a show of strength in the forests of Siberia. In the drone camera images taken by Russian amateur researchers, this structure refers to a giant wall built to hide from something, to protect itself, and it is as if these structures were struck by a plasmic weapon in a very ancient period and certain parts of them were destroyed. The energy of the region is so interesting that even now the trees can still stand on the stones.

As you can see below, I wanted to share as many visuals as possible, since the discovery of the region is still very new. As a result of all my researches about this region, unfortunately, I have not seen that a Western researcher has involved to the region and conducted any research. In this respect, all the documents I could reach are in the literature in Russian. We hope that in time, many more researchers will turn to the region and we will be able to reach information about at least the time period in which these huge structures were built. In the images, you will see for yourself that the human dimensions are almost like an insect next to these gigantic structures.

Since this region is still new, I guess that many amateur researchers will not have easy access to the relevant resources. In this regard, at the end of my article, I will add all the Youtube links that I have reached, especially about this region.

As seen in the brief information and images I have shared, these gigantic structures built around the world are really interesting and need explanation. Unfortunately, since classical Archeology does not focus on these regions, all research is currently being carried out and presented to us by ALTERNATIVE RESEARCHERS.

I can put Brien Foerster in the first place among the people I can recommend you to follow on these topics. He has very good publications on his Youtube channel, especially on the megaliths in Latin America, and has also written books on the subject. Apart from that, megalithomania.co.uk web page and Youtube channel should definitely be followed. The research conducted by Hugh Newman is commendable. Of course, we can't miss Andrew Collins and Graham Hancock either. Jim Vieira from the U.S. is one of the important researchers.

Apart from megaliths, these researchers I listed above have also conducted research on Humanoids with Elongated Skull and Giants lived on Earth. This topic will be covered in another article.

If I were to make my own comment on this matter briefly; Contrary to what is known, this planet we live on hides many mysteries on it and also contains a lot of information that needs to be explained.

We hope that one day there will be days when all dogmas in terms of science are destroyed and every evidence found on the world about the past is shared with everyone objectively without hiding from humanity and transparent science is done as much as possible.

And I would like to end this article with a quote from Abraham Lincoln:


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