4 Kasım 2018 Pazar

Journey to the depths of the "ARCH"

After the human being has been fallen to the world, in order to provide communication between each other in the first periods, first to make sounds and then to make this sound language permanent on the earth, to depict what they see, and to leave traces to the next generations, applied to the sentences we use in our lives.

As a matter of fact, it is possible to contact with the past and follow some traces through these written texts that we have used today and have inherited from our ancestors. The best way to do this is to analyze words in etymological terms and to study historical processes.
When we begin to learn to look at words in a different way, as if we are decoding a code, sometimes we may encounter one; When we examine the function of that word in the historical scene one by one, it can really surprise us.

Let me make a historical journey on “Arş, Arch, Ark-Arc” which is a word root and sometimes used as a word which attracts my attention in my mind and sometimes used as a word.


Archons in Ancient Greece and Orthodoxy:

After the burning of the library of Alexander, some of the secret writings of the Archon and the mysterious beings written in them were mentioned. But of course there are some claims that some forces have requested these records to be deleted.

In Greek, the word "archon" was used as an office administrator. In fact, this word comes from Arh (αρχ-) which is a verb root in the masculine structure. Words such as Monarch and Hierarchy derive from this. In the early literature of Ancient Greece, the word Archon was used as a title for the people who governed the Greek cities. In addition, the title of Archon was used today as a title to honor the members of the Orthodox Church which is affiliated with the Istanbul Patriarchate.
Of course, at this point the Patriarch should be noted:

Patri+arch >>>> patri> pater> and it means father

So in short, the person with the title of Patriarch is the Archbishop.
There are archangels, used in the Christian faith. They represent the four great angels we know in the Abrahamic religions. (Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Azrael)
There is another meaning of this word used to name the ruling class in Ancient Greece and then in Christianity

The word Archai; origin, the beginning of things, the meaning of the time comes first. The word Archon, which is common in the classical Mediterranean world, has been used as the authority of a region or religion, and in the Gnostic texts the plural form of it is called “the Authorities”.In the meantime, in the ancient Egyptian language(Coptic), there is no word called Archon.

Arch rooted Other Word Examples:

The word Archeology, which is used today, supports the origin, ie the beginning word meaning.
arche + ology, we know the arch is the beginning. .Ology comes from -logia. Oral expression, discourse, theory, thesis, science, such as meanings. So we can give the meaning Beginning of Science for the word Archeology.

The word Archive also comes from Archif in the 16th century French, Archivum in the late Latin Period, and in the earlier term the arkheia in Greek. It is used to mean publicly available records. Since the purpose of archiving is to record something as far back as possible, there is also a dedication to the origins of origin and beginning.

Consider the word Hierarchy in the same context. The etymology of this word is very interesting. The use of Greek was hierarkhia. That is to say the rules of high priests. 

Hier à Hiera goes from there to –ire -> -ira. This word means anger, wrath in Latin. 

Archy is again from the Arkhein -> Archon. Today, this word as a hierarchy in English seems to be a term derived from the anger, the wrath of the Archons, and the chain of command that followed.

Archetype was first used in psychology by Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). The first type, the first sample, we can see such meanings.

It is also possible to extend such example etymological expansions for other words. When we look at those who contain arch in English words, we will see that their numbers are not at all low and some of them penetrate into Turkish.

Archons in the Gnostic Approach:

As Gnostic, it is possible to examine Archon in 3 categories.

1) In Gnostic cosmology, Archons are inorganic organisms that exist in the solar system and formed before earth formation. They inhabit the system of planets (except the earth, the moon and the sun) are cosmic gods and have the power to create.

2) In Gnostic psychology, in the noetic science of mystery schools, the Archons do things in the human mind that intrude into the subconscious and mislead the ordinary and regular mental behaviors of people. Of course, there is normal human behavior to get out of balance or to do bad deeds, but after a while he regains his balance and enters the rails, but these beings are the beings who lead people to be violently inclined, and who enter into injustice. For this reason, we can call the Archons psycho spiritual parasites and it is not wrong to say that we are connected in a cosmic sense. The archons can infiltrate the earth's atmosphere and terrorize people, and there is no reason to do so. The ontological status of the archons is two. Both are living things against freedom of humankind. In our mind, they are as if they are the programs that manage our mental environment. In fact, the effect they create in our mental software is wider than the hole they open in the biosphere in a physically unstable manner.

3) In the sociological sense, in Gnostic perspective, these creatures have penetrated into the system of authority. In addition, with belief systems, human beings do not act in the best of their nature, but vice versa to act in a destructive way. For example, LIVE's reverse reading is EVIL.
Also in the Gnostic approach there are two types of these creatures. These; embryonic and reptilian types. In fact, these descriptions bring the Zetas and Reptilians directly into our minds.
When we look at speculative interpretations of the so-called Archons in ancient Greece and Gnostic sense, I think that this cult has passed to the Greeks from the Middle East beliefs and mythologies. Of course, it is possible to base the subject on the Sumerians and Anunnakis.


Arsh (Arabic: العرش) In Arabic, the throne means the ninth layer of the sky. The throne of God; It is the place where the only God manages the world over the heavens in the Abrahamic religions. In Judaism he is called Araboth, and in Islam it is called the Throne. Arsh-ı Âlâ is used as a special name for the throne of Allah.

It was used for the throne in the Baal temple, meaning the throne-shaped bed in Aramaic and Assyrian. The word Ershu in the language of Akat means the throne-shaped bed used to lay in Mesopotamia. In addition, the name of a god in Palmira passes as Arsh (Arshu, Arsu). The word Mars is also related to the Arsh. 

In the frescoes and mosaics of Christian churches, Jesus is often depicted sitting on a throne because of his expressions in the Bible. This word, which we can translate as the throne of God, can be accepted as Arsh-ı Âlâ. In the depictions in which the throne of God is visible, there are John the baptist and Mother Mary in addition to Jesus, and they are depicted while they ask for forgiveness for the sins of people. This scene, which is known as Deisis in literature, is also present in the church of Hagia Sophia.
The origin of the word Archine(Turkish yard) is also in arsh. Word meaning: is a length measure of approximately 68 centimeters.

Archimedes (Ancient Greek: Ἀρχιμήδης (c. 287 BC, Siracusa - 212 BC Siracusa), Greek mathematician, physicist, astronomer, philosopher and engineer, considered the first and greatest scientist in the ancient world, laid the foundation of hydro-statics and mechanics. The lifting force of water claimed to be found in a bath is the most well-known contribution to science, so we can also talk about a lift and a rise here.

Arsh and the Holy Quran:

In the Islamic literature, in the verses such as Taha-5 and Araf-54, the narratives as “ Rahman(the compassionate)  sat on Arsh”  are as a metaphor by Islamic commentators and avoided the use of anthropomorphic (attributing human characteristics to another entity) meanings to verses.

Surah al-Araf in verse 54,Surah al-Tawba, verse 129, In verse 3 of Surah Yunus, In verse 7. Surah Hud In verse 2, Surah Rad,  Surah al-Isra in verse 42, In Surah Ta-Ha, the verse 5,
Surah Mu'minun, verses 86 and 116, In Surah al-Furkan verse 59, Surah Neml In verse 26, Surah Sechde 4 verse, In verse 75 of Surah Zumer, In verses 7 and 15 of Surah al-Mu'min, In verse 82 of Surah Zuhruf, In verse 4: Surat al-Hadid, Surat al-Haku'a verses 17 and 32, Surah Takvir 21 verse and Surah Al-Büruc 15 verses,  Arsh is mentioned.

When we read the verses and interpretations made by these verses, it is understood that; The place we call arsh is a place outside the universe we know that matter ends. We can say it is a spiritual world. So we can call Arz(Arabic عرض)  everywhere in the universe.

In my opinion; The distinction between Arz and Arsh and revelation of the angel Gabriel to Prophet Mohammed by passing from Arsh to Arz realm are explained in Surah Najm, verses 8 and 9.


1)By the star when it descends,
2)Your companion [Muhammad] has not strayed, nor has he erred,
3)Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination.
4)It is not but a revelation revealed,
5)Taught to him by one intense in strength -
6)One of soundness. And he rose to [his] true form
7)While he was in the higher [part of the] horizon.
8)Then he approached and descended
9)And was at a distance of “two bow” lengths or nearer.
10)And he revealed to His Servant what he revealed.

The distance between the two bow mentioned here can be considered as two tangential bow, which are actually back to back. That's the point where the distance is almost zero. Because the Gabriel reveals the prophet Muhammad by passing from Arsh to the realm of Arz(Universe). So briefly here, the two bow expression symbolizes the transition from one realm to the another one.

In addition, the 9th verse of Surah An-Najm, the word bow is equivalent with kavs in Arabic, and this word, etymologically when we go backward it comes from the Arch, arcus. When we look at it in this way, except power and beginning meaning that we can see also "sloping" meaning into that . In fact, the essence of this we see sunlight.

We can bring the subject here to Ark. The sun's rays have always been a source of power for mankind. In addition, because of the movement of the earth and the sun all day long, it seems as if the Sun is drawing a bow. In this context, the words ARK or ARC are both a power and a geometric shape that people observe throughout the day.

In addition, the Mirach journey of Prophet Muhammad means to come and rise from the same root in the same way as Surah Mearic.

Ark of the Covenant:

In Hebrew (ארון הברית) aron haberit , described in the Old Testament with details and made for the storage of the Ten Commandments . It is believed to have been hidden in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem at the time and there are various religious objects in it.

By God Jehovah's description in Old Testament, It is believed to have been made from acacia tree by the prophet Moses . The Old Testament often refers to the manifestation of God on the chest placed in the portable temple. It was rumored that it was killing when someone touched the ark If he is not from tribe of Levi. The ark then was moved to capital  city when David made Jerusalem the capital of the Kingdom of Israel. Although it is not known where the ark is now, many believe in its existence and many ideas have been put forward about the disappearance of the ark. Today there are many claims about where the ark is, and various people are still looking for the ark. Finally, the claim is that the ark was left there when the Prophet Moses was passing by. According to another thought, when Jesus is crucified, one of His Apostles puts a vine in blood and then buries them in a secret place by placing them in the Ark of the Covenant. In Quran, verse 248 of Surah Baqarah refers as "the chest", and in the chest it refers to "sekine" and to the remains of Moses and Aaron dynasty.

As mentioned in the English title as "Ark of the covenant"  that the reason for using the word Ark here is; It is due to the Jewish history that the chest contains certain forces (levitation, striking / killing of touchers etc)

Noah’s Ark:

Noarh's Ark(Ship); as stated in Quran by Surah of Noah that it was ordered to Noah by Allah to make it because tribe of Noah was praying for some other deities even though they have been warned by Noah many times and due to that Allah decided to create a flood so that only Noah's followers to be survival and couple of each animals on earth. However, the fact that all animals living in the world are collected and stored on a ship is confusing. Because at that time, we cannot reach a couple of animals on the ground, or we cannot think that the ships can take all of these animals in their normal size. At this point, it is thought that this ship is not a classic, wooden ship, but a much more technological structure, and that perhaps the pairs of animals taken can only be collected from the gene samples and stored on the ship.

When I talked to a friend about the word ark, he had a beautiful idea. He said that this ark can actually be considered either a race(ırk in Turkish) or a back(arka in Turkish). In fact, this interpretation also makes sense. As a result, Noah hid his own race, his own lineage and carried some sort of past into the future.

Of course, according to another point of view, if this is a technologically and powerfully-powered ship, the use of the Ark word in this point also makes sense. In the meantime, the erk word in Turkish means like having the power enable to do something, potency.

Mustafa ERSÖZ

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